May These Firearms Keep You Safe!

May These Firearms Keep You Safe! featured photo 1
May These Firearms Keep You Safe! featured photo 2

Easy Online Bidding! Preview: May 9th Bidding Begins to Close: May 10th


16513 Cornerstone Dr Belton, MO 64012


Online Auction


These firearms are ready to protect and serve you!<br>
You can own brand name firearms like Remington, Colt, Smith &amp; Wesson, Bersa, Beretta, Sig Sauer and many more from this spring firearm auction.<br>
Freedom Arms Belt Buckle Derringer, Sporting Arms Snake Charmer II .410 Shotgun, Ruger Model 10/22 Bolt Action Rifle and much more!<br>
Bersa Thunder 380 Pistol, Ruger P95 Pistol and much more!<br>
Taurus 'The Judge' Revolver, Taurus Raging Bull Revolver, Smith &amp; Wesson (Model of 1905 4th Change) and much more!<br>
Ruger Model 10/22 Carbine Rifle, .22 LR Caliber and much more!<br>
Weatherby PA-459 12 Gauge Pump Action Shotgun, Tactical Rail, Fixed Stock w Pistol Grip, Unfired and much more!<br>
Carved and Inlaid Black Powder Single Shot Display Pistol, Pirate Style and much more!<br>
Bidding Begins to Close: Tuesday, May 10th - 7:07pm<br>
Preview: Monday, May 9th from 2:00-6:00pm<br>
Load Out: Wednesday, May 11th from 1:00-5:00pm &amp; Thursday, May 12th from 9:00am-12:00pm

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